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About us

High targets and sustainable growth


Fronius Solar Energy has been developing innovative products and solutions with which solar energy can be generated, stored, distributed, and consumed cost-efficiently and intelligently since 1992. We have also set ambitious goals for the coming years, with a focus on sustainable growth and value creation in Europe, as well as the continuous development of products and solutions.

The targets for 2023 are clear: 3,000 Fronius inverters are to be installed every day by the end of the year. In doing so, Fronius Solar Energy will have installed 35 GW of power since the first Fronius Sunrise1 was sold. That is 3.9 million inverters, generating 46.8 TWh of green energy every year, corresponding to 44 hydroelectric power plants2;.

Martin Hackl, Global Director Marketing & Sales Business Unit Solar Energy, Fronius International GmbH, already sees the plans for the coming years clearly: “Our goal is a strong digital and functional networking of Fronius systems with energy sector integration products in order to bring more solar power to the sectors of heating, cooling, and mobility. This ensures further growth towards our goal of 24 hours of sun.” Finding pioneering solutions for technical challenges has been the guiding principle of the Austrian family-owned company right from the very beginning.

The continuous improvement of products and solutions as well as the strong focus on sustainability and value creation in Europe are top priorities, which can be seen in the latest developments:

Fronius GEN24 Plus – Climate benefits of the entire system now even higher
A highlight in the sustainability work at Fronius is the life cycle assessment (LCA) for the Fronius GEN24 Plus and the Fronius Tauro. “Evidence-based sustainability is just as important to us as the integration of results into product development to continuously improve our sustainability performance,” says Katrin Helmberger, Head of Corporate Sustainability, Fronius International GmbH. Data freshness is highly relevant here, which is why updates of the life cycle assessment are carried out as required.

The most recent calculations of the Fronius GEN24 Plus LCA show that the climate benefits of the entire system have even improved. The CO2 payback time has reduced from 1.2–5.5 years to 0.7–3.3. years3 .

We are striving for a complete decarbonization of all Fronius company premises by 2025. Furthermore, at Fronius we are already using 100 percent green power and have also cut greenhouse gas intensity in half between 2014 and 2021. “These results speak for themselves. We focus on planning and implementing technical and organizational measures instead of compensating for emissions,” explains Helmberger.


1 The Fronius Sunrise has been used to implement small photovoltaic systems ranging in size from 600 Wp and 1,400 Wp.

2 Comparison to Vienna-Freudenau hydroelectric power plant

3 Range: Best case – Worst case


Contact person

Mag. Stefan Hauer

+43 664 88 29 37 02
+43 664 88 29 37 02 unhre.fgrsna@sebavhf.pbz